Track Sensor Solid Bowling Ball
Track Bowling has announced the new Sensor, which has a new symmetric core design to an already versatile and mid-performing line-up. This formidable force is born from the MR-6 Solid cover, polished to a sleek 2000-grit Siaair finish. The Sensor Solid stands tall as the ultimate choice for dominating the lanes whether you’re a novice or a seasoned pro,.
Performance: Mid Performance
Color: Orange / Scarlet / Burgundy
Core Type: Symmetrical
Core Name: Track Regulator Core
Coverstock: Track MR-6 Solid Reactive
Cover Type: Solid
Finish: 500, 2000 Siaair Micro Pad
Weights: 16-12 Pounds
Lane Condition: Dry to Medium oil
Reaction: Strong overall hook
Flare Potential: 3 - 4 Inches
RG 2.49 (15lbs)
Diff 0.034 Int diff: N/A (15lbs)
Fragrance: None
Warranty: Two years from purchase date